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March 2006
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wow! didnt know my hall has a place in wikipedia!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_hall and its so updated somemore! like we just had an election a few weeks ago and the site has the 2009 hall president on it already! Amos got Sport rep! He is like the only asian sports rep in ALL the halls in ANU. Go asians! =D
Saturday, October 25, 2008
At dumpling Inn looking at the Shan tung chicken dish:
Dorothy: I think this is the chicken bum Me: How do u tell if its the bum or not? Eugene: Well u lick it. ................................
Friday, October 17, 2008
I am now struggling helplessly with easily the worst essay i had to do ever - Accounting information systems. A million sighs. I wanna work in a multinational in the future and travel to all over the world. So why is it that i have to learn how does a sale order get processed in an Accounts Receivable module in the mySAP ERP software?
But alas, I only have one more essay besides this to go to FINALLY complete all my assignments this semester. Man, i must have had written like 5 or 6 major essays this semester. They are all poorly referenced and filled with made up stories of mine im afraid. =) I think im going back on the 20th Nov cuz my exam ends on the 14th! Cant wait to see you girls eh! havent talked for ages already hor? I have a tiny wishlist of the things that i wanna do when i get back! 1) Sing karaoke (lotsa times!) 2) Go clubbing with the girls at least once? 3) Shopping! 4) Havin an authentic roti prata breakfast with you guys! 5) Work out together! (twice a week, please!=D) 6) Visit the girls at work 7) Learn how to cook (damn important eh....) Oh and i plan to bring back Tim Tams for you girls. What do you guys think? Australia Tim Tams totally beat the daylight out of the ones in Singapore seriously.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I've been so irritated these few days because of several annoying people bugging me to the core. One thing about UNI life is that you have to get used to people who will just keep making use of you, sucking you dry endlessly, and they do it shamelessly. Nevermind that i have got an assignment due, nevermind that i've got exams coming up soon, THEIR work is always more important than mine and they will always find a way to suck up my time with their stupid basic theory stuffs. I hate it when some people only make attempts to find me or talk to me when they need help. There are so many culprits i lost count. But several of them have been soooo consistent since last semester that i am slowly running out of patience. Why dont they get it? Why dont they change? This time im not gonna give in.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Happy Birthday !
Happy birthday to you *Beep Beep*
Happy Birthday to YOU *Beep Beep* Happy Birthday to FEIIIIII MINNNNNN Happy birthday to YOU !!! * Beep!!!* Hope you enjoy your birthday! I love you! =D
I just came back from lovely Gold Coast! I think i havent updated much this semester. my bad!!hehe. This semester has been fun! Met lotsa new people at my hall, recieved an academic award, celebrated Christmas in July, went to International ball, celebrated Yvonne & Jaclyn's bday, farewell-ed William, etc etc.
This semester marks Amos & I's 1st year together (something wonderful that i have never experienced before). More that that, I feel very blessed to have a bunch of tight mates here. It makes me feel that i am not alone even though i may be miles away from home and you girls. So thats something that i really treasure and appreciate. Anyways, got lotsa pictures to show you guys! Amos and I went to this party organised by a korean. The guy basically booked the whole club. It wasnt as fun as it sounds though. One of our friend got kicked out of ANU cuz he failed his modules for 2 semesters. we had a farewell party which includes 2 days of hardcore drinking and clubbing!hahah I dont have the pictures but here is the guy in question: Yvonne's bday! Also happens to be mid autumn festival. I havent had mooncakes And and and! Sakura-looking flowers in my hostel! Lasted for about a month only sadly. Beautiful! Went for Brian + Daniel + Rachael+ Yooni's housewarming party! Anniversary! Remember last year i went for this Floraide event where there were tons and tons of nice flowers? this year i went again, but this time, we went for the night fest! which was a bit disappointing because the flowers dont look that nice.Nevertheless..... I will leave the Gold Coast photos till later cuz im simply too lazy. hehe. I miss you girls! Happy Birthday to Fei in advance!! I wonder how you feel now? I was really dreadful and whiny about the coming of age 20. But it turned out okay. Enjoy your birthday!! We are just too awesome =P Love ya! |