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March 2006
April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, July 30, 2007
Just had my very first violin lesson today!(Darn, my violin costs AUS$300!) It was hmmmmmm interesting. There are so many stuffs to learn about violin, like how to tune it, how to adjust the shoulder rest, how to hold the bow, how to season the bow etc etc... Andrew's house is really far from Bruce Hall. I doubt i will be able to remember how to get there next monday.
SCHOOL- Im shaken by reality today when i went for my management lecture and had absolutely no idea what the lecturer is saying. I better buck up! I have 2 weeks worth of stuffs to read. Meanwhile, Buck up too girls! You are in the last year already!! God bless! heh. AND i had my haircut! Im getting sick of my hairstyle though. Anyone reckon that i should change it?? Im glad i didnt end up looking like a potato thought cuz i've heard stories of ppl looking like one after getting a haircut in CANB. I'll be anticipating you girls and stella's letter! Woo. Misses everyone=)MUACKS.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hiiiiiiiii people. I miss you guys! Write to me leh!hahaha
These few days has been filled with lotsa fun and DRINKING.Because its Jaclyn's Bday! Woohooo. She turned 18. I feel old. So me, Amos, Marcus, Reo, Brian and Horace went to Jaclyn's room at 12am exactly to give her a surprise! Whee it was a success! She must have really not seen it coming at all. Haha anyway, we chatted for a bit and drank till like 3am before we headed back to our rooms. To think that the next day i have to wake up at 8 for school. Argh. ![]() Academic dinner. totally useless and boring thing. The next day(Thursday), we went to Mooseheads to celebrate Jaclyn's Bday! i can feel myself looking like a dork on the dance floor but i had fun. ahaha we drank a lil and went to this Cafe before going to this very nice "Club". Its a quiet and relaxing place. I like it there. And so, we played drinking games again! My face turns red like after a single drink everytime. Why ah? Anyway, im gonna buy a violin soon. Its so much more expensive than i thought. My teacher is a wierdo, he is younger than me though.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Update:Im gonna start my violin course next week! WOOHOO excitement. Its $20 per session, thats like double the cost in Singapore. And the person who is gonna teach me violin is the same as Yvonne's piano teacher, a 18yr old guy. an emotional one.
Christmas party was crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....Totally happening! Jaclyn , Camille and I went to civic to shop for stuffs that we can wear for the dinner and we couldnt find any christmas stuff since its JULY. In the end, Jaclyn and I each bought an party hat. We rushed back right after our boring lecture. and guess what. we were totally stunned to see everyone REALLY dressing up for the event. Elfs, fairies, angels, mother mary, Jesus, presents etc. our party hat seemed so awkward then! Gosh! Oh and the naked run! *shy look* After dinner we went up to the common room where the guys played pool and the rest danced and drank at the bar area. Then, the three of us went to the open fields to drink with the guys. And so, with our spirits yearning for fun, we decided to head towards Mooseheads, a popular destination for anu students. But there were just too many people! After shifting here and there, looking for somewhere not so crowded, we ended up at an Irish Pub. Loves it. By then, some have already went home. So Jaclyn, me and a handful of HK guys played drinking games there. It was fun! Reached home at like 3am, i felt realllll giddy already by then. Really gonna start study soon... I need motivation!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Here are the pictures my darlings!!
My hostel: Me&Yvonne My room. ANU campus. This walk is about 5 mins away from my hostel. real Convenient Oh beautiful Canberra. some lake. War Memorial Thats Us, Dancing away at the science centre Attack! Pancake Parlour! Yayyy will be webcamming with the girls tonight!!! Muack!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Just back from meeting Fei Guan and Sabbie.Really cant bear to leave everyone i love. Can i bring all those i love with me? Its gonna be a disaster at the airport later.Anyway i will miss you guys so much! Take care alright! I will text you all when i reach and try to find an internet connection as soon as possible.
updates updates...
Let the pictures do the talking! ^^
![]() egyptian goddess wannabe number 1 Goddess wannabe number 2 DID YOU KNOW THAT GUAN YI IS A FLUTE LADY? We also went to check out the Indulgze Restaurant recommanded on Xiaxue's blog. The place is smaller than what i expected lar. haha the milkshakes are really nice!! Served in big portions somemore. Other than that, the salad and the Lobster soup werent to our liking. Psst.... We got this soup for free! Because they forgot to include that in the bill! In a moment of guilt and rush, all my things fell out from my bag and we picked all of them up within split seconds and ran off. haha cant help being on budget. ![]() Sun, laughter, fun at Sentosa! ![]() ![]() Also, the other day me and Guan were supposed to go ICe Skating but our mood made us watched a movie instead. TRANSFORMERS!!! FAB MOVIE. Exciting, Funny, EYE FEAST for the Girls&Guys. I introduced Guan to ZINGDO, our 05s31 eating place. ![]() ![]() And then, it was KBOX. Havent been there for sooooo long!! We sang our hearts out! ![]() Fei brought us to eat Tao Huey. First time trying the green colored one! The original one still nicer though. After that, Fei went to meet her honey bun while i brought Guan to play X-box! One of my fAVourite place to hangout! And GUAN LOVES IT! Yay!! We played Winning Eleven. ![]() All photos edited by Guan by the way. Love ya all!!=D
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I wanna thank you guys for your love! Especially Guan who has given me like ALL of her time this week to accompany me. And Fei too,who squeezed time for me outta her busy school schedule. Thank you so much! We will complete the scrapbook next time together k?
And all those farewell presents. I swear i will bring them all over to Aus. Like the Hello Kitty Jewellery box, the watch, the cute "skinnie" pouch, the thing that i will be receiving from cl, Sab's HK pressie..... yeah. just wanna let you guys know that i appreciate all the time spent and the presents a alot alot k!! it makes me dread going aus actually.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
TRANSFORMERS IS THE BOMB! You guys HAVE to watch it! Its amazing!
Die hard is not bad too but watching it on the same day as transformers makes it at a huge disadvantage. hhaha. These few days have been spent with my dearest Guan, Fae and Xiu. Shall update all about it later. anyway, will be hanging out with Guan for the whole of today too! <3 Also, i found a book titled "Book of Baby Names" and couldnt help but searched for my own name. hee hee here is what i found: Lynn - "falling water" or "water falling lake" in Old English. Very popular in the 20th century. Yvonne - "yew wood" in French for making arrows. Gwendolyn(closest i could find to Gwen) - "Faired lady" Hahaha Guan will love this. Edmund - "rich defender" in Old English. couldn't find fae either. Interesting?
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I am in love with Arab Street!
![]() Bugis toilet. ![]() Can't see the sm ![]() WHOA ![]() ![]() Cheers. ![]() We spent much time eating. Heh. Really love the food there! I especially the egyptian dish called "foul" ![]() ![]() WE wanna KILL Faezah!! ![]() ![]() ![]() the right-angled ![]() ![]() Great day. had lotsa fun chit-chatting with the girls! Love ya all! =D |