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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Chinatown and Arab Street!
The conclusion that Jacklyn and I had on Thursday was that: Loreal sucks. We went out in a cheerful mood for shopping since Jacklyn was gonna get her pay on that day itself but who knows! Loreal transferred the money to the wrong account!! And all that pushing blames around instead of solving the real problem really made us fustrated. Grrr.
Anyway, both of us havent been to People's Park before and its our first time there!We couldn't find ANY nice shops and so we hanged around in OG for a bit before making our way to Plaza Sing, where i bought a top from Dorothy Perkins. Poor Jacklyn had only $7 on her while i had a miserable $0.15 after buying some food. Hahaha. NOT OUR DAY. We ended up borrowing library books at Bug SATURDAY: Went out with my beloved Stella and Faezah. Hehe. Cant wait for Faezah to send me all the pictures! =D
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Surf's Up
Today is Movie Day!!! hahahah. Went to watch Surf's Up with Zw and Xiu at Lot 1(yes, closer to home). It rocks that we caught this movie without having to pay at weekend charges.
This movie is based on the alleged fact that Penquins are the ones that invented "Surfing". hahaha hard to believe that this is true though. Anyway, the movie really makes me wanna go surfing! The Crystal Clear Blue water, the Sand, the Sun! OH! I definitely wanna try surfing when i get to Australia. BUT then again, I know that in reality surfing wouldnt be that ideal since beaches are always packed with people, sea water really dirty, or waves being too small. Also, congrats to dearest Sab! You are gonna be on tv! Woohoo! Tuesday: Went to Plaza Sing with zw and xiu. Didnt accomplish much there. Afterwards, we went to the Famous Botak Jones for dinner! Botak Jones is wayyyy grand for a coffee shop! It has a booth especially for taking orders and has about 10 staffs? Thats alot for a coffee shop! So all of us ordered Fish and Chips and the person told us that the waiting time be 30-45 mins. We waited for a whole 50mins. wicked. You can imagine how hungry we were by that time. About 80% of the people at the coffee shop were eating Botak Jones' food and seeing them eat is just arghhhhhh torturous! Ta da! The fries, i dunno what did they use to season but it tastes really nice and different! Even the sauce given isnt mayonnise. Okay the portion of fries and Salad given were so big that they have no where to put the fish! Imagine that! heaven! So you get to have more than enough of the fries and Salad AND fish. Yummmmmm.... really nice!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Nancy Drew:"I promise to never sleuth again!"
So, this week has been GREAT!
Wednesday: Guan squeezed time out of her very tight project schedule to meet me to go back to the office to settle some matters. Afterwards, we decided to go over to Fareast for just a bit of shopping. I bought a shirt, the same one as guan, and a ZA eye mask. Grrr. I spent a bomb! $$57+$17+$17+28+$15! Gosh! And just when i thought all this spending is gonna come to a halt, i had my eye on a cheap pair of track pants at West Mall Atrium. $$$$$. Then, we went to Guan's house. We had potato soup and dumplings! Thanks for the treat! Stayed on for a bit then went home to let Guan carry on with her project. Thanks for jacket too love! Thursday: Had a fantastic and lucky day spent at Sentosa! Me, Sd, Zw, Lx and Xl were damn lucky! We just happened to be sitting at a bench while deciding over what to do when this luge ride staff came over and offered us 7 tickets to the skyride and luge ride. HAPPINESS! Damn lucky k! one ticket costs $9. In a very happy mood, we took the sky ride up. Oh man, i shall not described how frightened i was up there during the skyride. =X The Luge ride was very fun! Loves it! Then we cycled. Very nice feeling! I love the breeze especially! After that, we had a brave idea of selling off the remaining tickets. Cheers to Sd and Xiu who were persistent and brave enough. We managed to get $14 which we spent it all on Ben&Jerry Ice Cream It is as yummy as it seems. Friday: Work. Met up with zw,sally,qingyi,pohyee,sd and chivi for dinner after work. Both groups came separately to Guardian during my work time. Its my last day of work and sadly i had to spend it at Suntec. I rather spend it at IMM where i am closer to the people there. And i spent a bomb again. Bought the Kose Sek Cleasning oil, veets and a dentiste toothpaste. We had Pepper Lunch. It was nicer than the last time i ate it. The ice cream was yummy too! Saturday: Class gathering at Vivo City. Everyone was terribly late. Hahah myself included. Zw and I went to Funan before meeting up with the class to get my webcam and her hard disk. Web cams are so ex. So we had lunch at Burger King. Argh I hate Burger King as always. Took ages to decide on the movie to watch. At first, it was supposed to be F4 but we decided to watch Nancy Drew in the end. Sorry Chivi!:S Guys, you may want to check out thepine-apple.blogspot.com See how Nabeh described the class outing to be. he made us seem like some inflexible retards who are stupid and hopeless. When in actual fact, he didnt voice out a word on Saturday. nancy drew was pretty nice for me lar. Anyway, we took like 1 hour plus to decide on what to eat???? We were just sitting on teh grass and talking crap the whole time! When we finally decided to go to Swensens,We couldnt find the place! And the directory HAD to play tricks on us by putting it as "Earl Swensons" while we anxiously looked for restaurants starting with "S" Sigh. So we had Breeks Instead. What a day.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The girl who leapt through time
Happy belated birthday to zw! You are a big girl now. haha
Celebrated ZW's birthday last thursday at Sakae Sushi! Sigh, gals, just how long more can we still cheat with our already expired EZ link cards for student rates? haha.We had a feast! Yum! Gosh, me and Xiu each had at least 3-4 bowls of Miso Soup. Guess who else we saw? Mr owyong and his surprisingly very pretty wife! She look so young! So we finished about 40 sets of $1.90 food or more. Was damn full after that. We Shopped around at Heerens and Cineleisure. I wanted to buy a sweater from Ripcurl oriiginally but the cheapest i could find still costs $200+ so forget it man.... Anyway, great day with the gals! On Monday, i hanged out with zw sd and lx. We went over to Shaw Lido to watch "Zodiac". Hellva nice movie. Its like a James Patterson thriller being made into a movie, except that this is a true story about a serial killer who terrorised San Fransisco during the 1960s. After that, went for a bit of shopping at far east. Sd bought this limited adidas shoes on sale for $80!Cheap! I wanna watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Well, first of all! I got my Mika Nakashima latest album YES. YAY!
Next, these two days has been heaps of fun hanging out with my darlings! So many things to update and so many pictures! Start with Monday! I met up with Sab and Fei for a haircut appointment at Shirley Mah.Obviously raymond wasnt in much mood to cut our hair properly cuz he finished cutting all our hair within like, 30mins.He ended our haircut session with the same sentence "Cut liao more shun lo". hahaha. So now all three of us has the same hair! especially from the back. After that, we ate at a Kopitiam nearby while waiting for MISS GY. We ordered a huge variety of food! Dim sums and rojak. Spent much time just sitting down there chatting, and finishing up our food slowly. OKay Miss GY wants to meet us at Bugis so off we went! Met up with Sab's honey pea and his friend Gary at Bugis Street and so our shopping BEGINS! We had our eyes on so many things! We spent loads at our first shop, the "Skinnies" shop. Me and Fei bought a pair of Grey Skinnies each while Sab already got hers the day before. I would have spent so much more if i had bought the skinnies from MANGO instead. Me and Sab bought shorts too! Afterwards, Guan finally came to join us as Fei and I were deciding on which bag to buy. I love the bag by the way! I think it will come in handy and it looks so cute! We paused a while to enjoy the donuts that ZK and Gary queued for 2 hours for. Hmmmm.. Afterwards, Sab Suggested going to OG to hunt for my winter wear. Okay so OG is as it is, POK and the lighting a bit dim for me. Managed to get a turtle neck thats not too turtle, you know? Like the neck area not that killer. And its cheap, too. HEh. Not much photos for the day though! Today! WHEE. We wanted to go Swimming then go for threading then go and see Fei's dog Polo at first. Then the plan totally changed because my bloody period came. HAHA. So Suay and funny cuz Sab was the one worrying that her period would come but it turned out to be ME. I was talking to Bao when i looked down and Whoa. Hahaha so sorry gals! So we decided to go to Sentosa iinstead since all we wanna do is just to get some sun! But, bad things comes in pair. IT RAINED. We were cold, hungry and very demoralised. Hee. So we went to eat at this Kopitiam recommanded by Fei. Then guess what, the rain stopped and it was sunny! Hurray! HAHA lotsa more crazy pics! Must wait for Sab to edit first. Some pics just make us go "what the hell wre we thinking???" haha! Cant wait for Sab to come back! Then we can hang out! And MISS GY, meet up soon! LOVE YOU ALL
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Things i wanna do
Things that I Wanna do:
1)Watch Shrek 3! 2)Watch loads more movies to satisfy my movie craze! 3)Go for one last shopping spree. 4)Eat more of the roti pratas under my block. Gonna miss that! 5)Go hunting for cheap and nice winter wear. 6)Get a jeans Jacket.(Thinks that it goes well with any top) 7)Visit IMM workmates. 8)Get grey skinnies from Mango. Should I? 9)Shoes! 10)Color & Cut my hair. 11)Cdans Laser Quest for the last time.Anyone Please? :S 12)PEDICURE. After months of dying and smelly feets. 13)More time with you guys! 14)Get rid of my tummy fats.Sounds really bimbostic but yeah 15)EAT GOOD FOOD!! I am gonna miss everything and all of you guys terribly! |