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March 2006
April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, April 29, 2007
my lovely workplace
Poor Maggie. Poor Me.
Even though dealing with Jenny and Meow can be a dread, working at IMM is so enjoyable! KAWAII TOKYO GIRLS WE ARE! Dunno what the hell we were doing. ![]() ![]() I love it when i dont have to be the one uploading pictures. HA
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I got accepted into one of the world's top 20 university and the TOP university in Australia, the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY! I am so overwhelmed with happiness and excitement! I am guaranteed a spot in a branded university! How cool is that? HEHE Today's office training. Wasn't as dreadful as i had thought. I am kinda familiar with most of the people in today's training cuz it was the same group as last month's. We spent hours doing practicals on massaging! Yes! Which means we had to cleanse off our make up. HAHA, as expected, everybody looks so different without make up! I am embarrassed to say that my skin condition is worse than some of the aunties there! Mine is like, dull and dry while they had really really good complexion. I was lucky to be practiced on by this auntie who's really good at it. It felt so comfortable that i almost fell asleep! On the other hand, im not really sure she enjoyed my massage that much. haha. Also, i had lunch with Jenny! Once again, it was requested by her and it was awkward. Oh and this really awkward situation happened during training. Because they were talking about this beauty advisor who had a boyfriend for 8 years, and yet, slept in separate rooms during vacations. Then they were talking about how rare it is for girls to keep their virginity till marriage, and that that particular beauty advisor should be given an award for that. Then, suddenly, the trainer asked me "How old are you?" "19" "so, are you still fit to be given that award?" Then i was abit stunned so i replied "what". But somehow, she got the wrong idea and said "See, so young like that already" to everyone. Hahaha wayyyyyyy awkward.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Whew! Today is finally over! I never thought training a new girl would be that difficult.
Okay so Maggie called me yesterday to tell me that she needs me to help her train this new girl,whom Guan introduced in from another brand. Its not my first time doing so and so i thought it would be easy like as usual. But..turns out, i super dont know how to handle her! hahaha and to think that shes only a 16 year old kid and i am a mature lady,age 19. I started off the training with briefing her on the more sellable KOSE items and her first response was "got free samples to take anot ar?" *faints. If Its Katie who's training her, i BET she will seal up the whole drawer and ask her to keep her hands off it! Haha but i am not her and so i said, "wait, let me brief you through the products first." I regret not following what Maggie had instructed me to do, to cover the free samples with bags! And the samples im talking about is real valuable and big okay! Worth at least $30 retail price. Then i very niao, i tried to satisfy her by giving her the FASIO samples. hahaha. But she is greedy for KOSE samples! Then she keep saying "can i have two of this?". She keep wanting two of EVERYTHING! Then i keep saying "can dont take anot? you already take alot leh." Under normal situation, you would have known you hit the limit and stop already right? BUT NO! She keep whining and whining, then she wants to take ALL of the Sekkisho mask badge. ALAMAK. Okay. Thats not all. When we ate Macdonalds together, she insisted that she should give me a treat?? For what??? The possibility of her trying to por me flashed across my mind but i am just a promoter!And i keep rejecting her offer until the rest of the girls eating with us became annoyed.Then she keep whining and ask me to accompany her go toilet, buy drinks, shop around guardian, etc. Alamak, the toilet part is damn stupid. She said "Bu Guan, you must pei me go toilet later!"(while shaking my hand)" ........................................................................................................... Yes, she also caused me to go home late by 5 minutes because she keep whining that it will be boring if i went home earlier than her cuz she will have no one to talk to. Updates! Sakura Buffet, Sentosa trip , Chaletetc etc! Let the photos do the talking! ![]() ![]() Me and zhiwei agreed on eating Fish&Co together after she gets her pay. We managed to psycho these many people, all on tight budgets, ![]() ![]() Really love the cake and mochi-s at Sakura Buffet, but other than that, we were mostly complaining about the food. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Thursday, April 19, 2007
off day
Call me a sua gu but i just installed the windows live messenger. heee.
well..nothing exciting happened today. I had a good time resting and just lazing around doing nothing for the whole day. I spent like 2-3 hours printing and applying for UWA and Uni of Sydney also. Never give up! Kat just smsed me to tell me that she "is not feeling well liao" and that shes taking MC tomorrow. Wierd, She usually dont inform me at all. So, i asked Maggie and as i had expected, she didnt tell Maggie at all about it. HAH! Got Her! Its her third MC in a row and it always falls on a Fri, Sat or Sun when her BF is out of army. hahah i think she knows by now that its bloody fake and so she must have thought "hey, might as well dont tell maggie, since i can sign the time card myself".
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
sick worried
I am so going down.
down down down. yesterday, i was so excited and happy upon receiving a mail from UNSW because, its the first response i got from any of the schools i applied. I wasnt pinning much hope on them accepting me because i dont meet their entry requirement buttttttttttt i just cant accept the fact that im never gonna study there forever! like, forever! Can't help feeling bad. And the fact that every other school that i applied hasnt given me a response yet makes it worse. To add on, many of the people around me have already recieved responses from local university despite the fact that results will only be out in May. AND, to add on even further more, i emailed Uni of Queensland and Uni of Sydney enquiring on the entry requirement and both unis gave me shit replies. Grrrrr. I invested in a pair of skinnies today:) From Mango, really like the grey color one also but it costs like $110 and i am poor.Invested in this Jap drama also. Suntec's staffs are forever unhelpful. Today the stocks came and they asked me to go collect. At IMM, when the stocks come, the person will ask "okay where do you want me to put your stocks at?". So, assuming that they are gonna pass me my stocks,i waited at my counter, then the manager said to me "eh i told you your stocks came then you still dont want to take" Alamak. I had to shift those big boxes all the way from the store room to my counter(mind you, suntec guardian is the largest in singapore).Un-gentleman.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
encounter with fucked up man
Today's break time was totally spoilt by this man with a screwed up face.
Me, zhiwei, Katie, Gui fang and cy brought oyster mee sua up to the playground to eat.And you know, we were like sitting back to back around this squarish bench. Okay, we were settling down to eat when this man with a gigantic bag squeezed in and knocked zhiwei's back for a bit. Okay rudeness detected, then zhiwei shifted outwards a bit. Then guess what, this man used his bloody big bag to further knock zhiwei and katie so as to provide space for his maid to sit! Rude! He didnt even apologise when zhiwei exclaimed "ouch!" Nevermind, we shifted to the bench beside, mumbling among ourselves how rude this man is. At this time, the man said to Cy(guardian staff) "clean this up"pointing to the tiny bit of oyster mee sua which we spilt. And cy replied "ok" (Faints at his reply). Then i quickly told him "eh! dont sit there already! Come over to our bench!" So, i got up and arranged a place for him to sit. At this time, i had eye contact with the man and he said "clean this mess up" to me, pointin at the tiny bit of spill. And the reason why im so angry is because the manner and way in which he spoke was as if we owed him like that. Like who the fuck is he? Some minister meh?? Even ministers dont do that please. And who am i? His Maid ar? Hell no! So i replied "cannot". the man:You looking for trouble ? Me: Your problem ah? (AHHHH bad english!) the man:you all dirtied the place. Me & the rest: you got see it with your own eyes that we spill?? Me: And please, you got the right to knock my friends with your bag? the man:I dont have the right to knock any of your friends etc etc (forgot what he said) Zhiwei interupted and said to me "so uncivilised". Then the guy angrily said "Its YOU ALL THATS UNCIVILISED" At this point of time, Katie, who has been rather quiet suddenly screamed. "JUST PLEASE. CAN YOU SHUT UP. YOU FUCKER. JUST SHUT UP". The whole place turned quiet momentarily and looked at us. YAY loves and hugs her! Her sudden outburst left the man feeling paiseh and mumbling "please grow up" to which we didnt even respond. GOD. cant believe a MAN can be so rude, especially an highly educated man. How do i know hes educated? Read on. Our mood was spoilt by this man. But anyways, we carried on with our meal and were talking about other stuff already. THEN, we heard the man calling his friend and saying LOUDLY "can i just check with you session 5 chapter 12 of the law book line 223, regarding public misbehaviour, i can charge a person for public insult right?" FUCK. This man is so ball-less and pathetic that he has to fakely ask his friend so as to scare us. BOOHOO. We werent scared! at all! It was seriously pathetic. He was the person who started this whole episode and who asked us to GROW UP. AHA. And now, he is using such hum-ji methods to get revenge. Asshole.bastard. At this point, all of us were badly offended. Katie started to insult him with ugly hokkien words. The zhiwei was like saying sarcastically "OH i dont know law. I only know 999." which is damn funny, "just now the man knocked me with his bag, i feel uncomfortable, can i call the police?" For a moment, i thought the man really carried out his action because there was this security officer who walked towards us. Haha, but so ridiculous right, imagine a 30-40 year old man being petty and rude sueing us, and by us, i am refering to a bunch of young adults with an average age of 18-19. Pathetic la uncle... To add on to just how fucked up he is, his daughter was playing infront of him the whole time this thing happened! His daughter is at least 6-7 years old, which means she can think rationally already. Aiyo, Image ar, sir. I bet his image must have been tarnished in his daughter's mind, as dead as MJ's face.haha In the end, we wiped our asses and left the place, throwing vulgarities and nasty comments at him generously. hey! he diao-ed us thats why we did that!May his skin which already looks like orange peel rot....
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I wanna quit!
What a pity. and a shock for me when i read the message from Guan saying that she quit working for Fasio. Girl, i hope you can come back to work under Maggie then we can work together cuz she told me she was thinking of letting you be stationed at IMM! But then, fat hope cuz i know you r damn pissed off and mad at the "Si zhu" already.
Okay, now i am strongly feeling the urge to quit this job and getting a life. Especially knowing that Zhiwei and Istrilene wont be there soon. Zhiwei will be going for a diploma in early childhood starting this month 27th. Means my favourite companions will all be gone. Boo. The only thing holding me to the job now is the money issue. But the endless spot checks and trainings are driving me crazy. On a lighter note, i saw Ms Esther the other day at Guardian! She's her usual self, with her platforms and wild-looking hair. hahah we chatted for a bit and exchanged numbers. She really gave me some good advices about choosing a good Uni. And by the way, she doesnt teach at Dunearn Anymore.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Did you know that 2 divided by 3 = 0.666 = satan's number? Or that Hiroshima was bombed at 10.23? Or that it was predicted that the world would end in 2012, during the 11th month. 11+12= 23.
![]() Look ! He's crazy! The movie was pretty interesting though, makes you wanna watch on and see what happens.Jim carrey behaves creepily in this movie, he totally went nuts over the number 23.haha and there was this part where he kept calculating and adding up everything to 23, it was damn irritating.hahah Class chalet this sunday! Whee! Can't wait! Its gonna be heaps of fun! But then again, the guys are officially leaving in another few days. Boohoohooo. |