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March 2006
April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Missing everyone!
I am so tired from work! endless working hours and days! i miss sabbie working with me. Makes the working hours feel shorter :(
I so wanna just take a few days break and do nothing but stay at home and be a couch potato.Now i have been deprived of that privilege for months now! I dont know if its a blessing or curse to be involved in this whole KOSE thingy. While it is true that being KOSE beauty advisor offers me more fun and satisfication, it also sucks that there is a shortage of KOSE BA which means that i may not be able to take off days as i like. it all depends on Katie and Stella.so BOO. HAD a fun Sentosa trip with the guys! Very unplanned but everything turned out to be nice. It was an unusually hot day that day and we had to reach there at 12 pm noon -_-, of all times. Good timing! all our skins are burnt and barbecued like hot chicken wings! Not all actually, i suffered for nothing! I was in the shade for 9/10 of the time with syafiq and yet, i got terribly burnt. My back hurttttssssssss. Gals, i havent upload the pictures tho. hehe Watched 300 with sabbie the other day.had to watch it cuz everyone was talking about it though i have never seen its movie poster before. Pretty exciting show.. me and sab were busy covering our eyes and ears throughout the movie. so funny! hahah yay my desire to watch movie is satisfied and the dreadful training over! cant wait to watch nada sou sou with the gang! hee
Saturday, March 17, 2007
AHH IM SO ANGRY. I 've got a mil reasons why i dont like her!
1) She told stella to becareful of me and not to offend me cuz i worked for a long time already. WHAT?? What am i? A bad person that bullies junior?? NO! 2)She told me that Stella everytime use the phone and that she wanna kick me away. NO not true. No such thing. Thank god for letting me and Stella work together at suntec cuz we managed to clear this up between us. Stella is so nice lo. 3) SHE STEALS GUARDIAN's THINGS.with her mom. 4)She takes samples for only herself, not allowing anybody else to take them. 5)She came for work late by 2 hours today and went for an almost 2-hr long break to do her nails. 6)She damn NIAO. 7)She makes everyone sounds bad. 8)She is naggy. 9)She keeps using the phone. Anyway, i am too lazy to write updates so i shall let the pictures do the talking! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
out with the girls!
Monday was my off day and i spent it making sushi with my gang!
Cheers for zw who lent us her house to make those sushis. Sushi making is way difficult! It may look easy but i bet you will face these problems if you ever try making them too: 1)Its very hard to roll the ingredients in such a way that it will be in the middle of the sushi 2)Its very hard to cut up the roll of sushis without squashing the ingredients or making the sea weed tear unevenly haha so thus, our sushis looked kinda wierd but they tasted good! Xiu can be a cook in the future. The canned snail that we bought looked kinda nice after her guidance on how to add chillis, lime, onions all that to make it taste and smell nice.hehe nice... We watched Scary Movie 3 as we enjoyed our food. Nice movie, nice food, Nice! The movie is damn funny la, its my 3rd time watching it already. After that, it was a lil bit of serious talk with the girls about which school to apply etc etc. Now im in a dilemma which is whether to choose a course tat i dont really like but will get me a stable job in the future (Accounting) or a course that i like but dont neccessarily do well in (International studies/languages) Hmmm...
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A levels
Very nice day.The Josephine witch, Big Shark, didnt come for work today!The girl who relieved her was equally wierd and cunning. She told one of the promoters that she had only worked for a few months for JOsephine when actually she had already been at it for 1 year plus! how wierd? like this kinda thing also wanna bluff. The shark woman damn superstitious and selfish can. when she is around, she will always put up this orange, flower, vase and some sticks , like "praying to gods" like that at her counter, then when she not around, she takes them away. damn wierd la. Sabrina and Guan deary came to my counter. I immediately regretted bringing the forever 21 red color top instead of another more formal wear. but nevertheless, i got a dress last minute and off we go to Fullerton hotel! That place is simply heavenly! This guy dressed in white opened the taxi door for us, and there was quite a number of people welcoming us. This very nice and chatty lady brought us to our destination, tHe CHOCOLATE BUFFET. we totally felt like precious princesses. THE FOOD. delicate, yummy, delicious and simply an eye candy for us. The cakes, chocolates looks so nice and tastes Gooooodd.There were people playing violins live as we dined rather stiff-ly. haha, Sab was the first one who got sick of chocolates. After that , Jason and Fei came.We took loads of pictures! lotsa uncusccessful ones though. hehe Afterwards, we went searching for a nice pub to go, Sab's feet had blisters and mine was aching like mad.We went into this pub which dunno who called it "the men's world" cuz its all men inside, even the waiters. The pub was okay but wayyy too quiet, the bunch of guys sitting near us wasnt talking at all. So we left, without ordering anything. boohoohooo... Finally, we settled on this pub, forgot the name. quite noisy inside lar, drank some vodka. Fei and sab sang a song. Left shortly afterwards to catch the last train. I so hate walking alone home at night from mrt cuz its so far and dark! Happy Birthday Guan once again! Friday: Friday was bad.For the whole day up till 4 plus, my heart was thumping too fast and i kept having butterflies in my stomach.Especially when everyone knew their results already and i was still waiting for a taxi!God, the anxiety.. I am so glad its over now so i dont have to think about it anymore. Its such a torture man.. I really didnt feel like going for work afterwards, like who will have the mood to? But my kat had this singing performance going on. Okay i was kinda pissed off when she called me, not because she asked me to cover her lie for her, but because of the way she "ordered" me to say good things about her to Maggie. Then next, that time Maggie asked to work from 6.30 onwards cuz kat kept insisting that she die die has to leave early cuz the place is far. Okay, then when she can still take her own sweet time, buy food in to eat until 7 plus? I was super pissed off by then, so i asked her what time her performance is. She replied quite hesistantly 7 plus. Wah lau, i was fuming mad la,cuz didn she say the place was very far??? main point is that i think she lied lo, and i was sacrificed. hate it. i left at 8 plus instead of 9.30 I super hate josephine auntie that day also, cuz everytime we bring any customers to the cashier, she will pretend to walk pass and look at how much we sold. On normal days, i tolerate but on friday i was really damn pissed off with everything. so i kept blocking her way when she try to snatch customers and i stared her down whenever she is near me. hate her hate her!! |