I AM BACK! HA! I have soooo much to share with you guys! hahah! Basically, i love everythi'd seen and did there. I love the sun, the weather, the people, the air , the food and the scenery! so nice! hahah! Here is what i did for the 7 days!!!
Did nothing basically except boarding the plane and watching The Devil Wears Prada. guan called me just before the plane departed from Singapore. So sweet of you Guan!
Day 2:
the flight is supposed to be 7 hours so technically, it shoould be 4 am when we reach there, buttttt Brisbane is 2 hours ahead of Singapore, so when we reached there, it was morning time and we went straight into touring without even checking in at the hotel. TIRING.
I think the Brisbane airport sucks.
watched a 4D film Inside this Shrek 4D theatre.Damn real! Like when the donkey sneezed or sprayed water, there were real water spraying at us. pretty nice.

I conquered this ride!
besides this ride, there was another ride that was thrilling. the indoor rollar coaster! at first i thought it would be chicken feat cuz it looks like its something for kids but hell no! it was damn scary! it was pitch black inside and there was this part where we fall backwards, and the track was steep mind you. the scary thing about this ride that you don't know whats gonna happen next.

After this, we headed to our hotel, where we would be staying for about 3 days. the hotel room
was pleasant, the best i ever stayed in. i especially love the balcony

two big beds.

soaking up the sun.
then, the Chan Brothers group had dinner together and we walked around the place afterwards. although the shops closes at 5pm, alot of them are still open and there were lots of people walking around the area. very lively. haha.
I found my favourite magzine OK! in the shops! wheee!! i think they stopped publication in singapore already. its much cheaper than in singapore too.
Alas, we went back to our hotel and rested. Phew, i was very worn out by then cuz i didnt sleep well on the plane.
Also, the socket holes are different from Singapore's so my mom and i had to borrow from other people adapters in order to charge the camera and the phone.
Day 3:
ahhhh woke up to find that i have my period! its such a turnoff! spoiler.
Ate breakfast in the hotel before meeting up with the group. Today we are going to Dreamworld! haha sure sounds fun!
Dreamworld is actually bigger, better and more action packed than Movieworld!
I saw koalas, fed the kangeroos, had some rides and watched some shows.

See this ride here---->
This is taller than the expresso shot in genting and it is scary! The curved part is another ride whereby you go all the way up and then falls backwards all the way down. hahah give me $ then maybe i will consider taking this ride.
cute animal spott

the place where i got my candies from.
koalas are the sweetest thing on earth

aFTER Dreamworld,we went back to our hotel where i took even more pics from the balcony. look!

Then, went for a walk at the beach near by. it was so beautiful i cant even describe. the whole stretch of beach is 3km long.
the waves are strong.

this thing is alive! it freaked me out when the waves came cuz i was so scared i would step on it!

we had dinner at this place.
Afterwards, we walked around the handicrafts stalls by the beach and then headed back to the hotel for some sleep!
Day 4:
Today is freeday! I wanted to go scuba diving so bad, if not for those damn periods! In the end, we went to tropical fruit farm, honeyworld, chocolate factory and pacific fair instead.
went to hhave a walk along the beach first thing in the morning. it was even more beautiful. more seagulls too
First Stop: Honeyworld!
Bought the royal jelly in capsules from here. Heard that its extremely good for the skin, hair and body cuz it contains all the vitamins except vitamin K. And do you know that the queen bee gets to live for 6 years by eating this while the workers bees gets to live for only a week cuz they dont have the royal jelly.

Next Stop:Chocolate factory! 

Tropical Fruitworld!
As you probably have guessed, its all about fruits! there were lotsa of exotic and rare fruits for us to try. I love this fruit called the chocolate fruit. It tastes and looks like chocolate inside.yummmm
Next stop: The pacific Ocean! WHOA 

Left pic: My right leg is in NSW and my left leg is in Queensland. Cool right?
Right pic: Dang! Its the pacific Ocean we are looking at! The ocean is beautiful.
LASt Stop: Pacific Fair, the shopping mall, the ground level is large and nice. Lotsa of shops. I saw so many nice and cute dresses but they are too informal for Prom. Haha bought some clothes. the clothes there can be realllyyyyy expensive or reallyyyy cheap. Bought a Billabong wallet! I hope its more expensive in singapore. it costs 20$ which is roughly 24 sing dollars.
LAST LAST STOP: A walk in the rain forest to see glow worms!
The ride there was scary. It was so dark everywhere around the forest. And the toilets there were those kind whereby there is no flush. So basically all the wastes go back to nature. haha, suprisingly, it wasnt at all disgusting, just a lil bit of wierd smells. One thing about Australia is that the toilets are always in good form. there are always toilet papers available and no dirty toilets. good good..
A walk in the rainforest is so nice! The air isa hundred times fresher and its very cooling and all. and there were glow worms everywhere around us. it was so nice! but too bad we couldnt take pics.
We were supposed to go for star gazing after the glow-worm thingy but too bad it was cloudy that night and so we headed back to our hotel.
Day 5:
Woke up wayyy early to catch our flight to Sydney at 10am.
dney is damn cold.. it was freezing out there

Some random pictures When we just arrived
Also, Sydney's sockets are again, different from the ones in Gold Coast. So there were no adapters for us to use and myhandphone batt officially went flat. haha.
Day 6:

Sydney Aqurium! Saw some pretty cool animals

Sydney Fish Market! This is where our sashimis come from.. yummy... The place smells bad tho..
After having a feast, we went to the blue mountain..

We took the world's steepest railway. It was inclined like, almost 90 degrees to the ground no kidding! And then... there is this cable car whereby the base is transparent. so that means if you look down, its all trees and mountains! haha very scary!

The meals are extra big!its like the fish and chips there are practically twice the size of the fish and chips here!

they call it the three sisters
At night, we went to darling Harbour for a walk. it was so beautiful! but too bad the camera and phones were out of batt.
Last day:
No activities! woke up early to have a walk at darling harbour(again) and the park nearby

The rest of the photos taken on the last day was done using the disposable camera so yeah..
Anyway, here are some pictures that i like: