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March 2006
April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, April 30, 2006
phone chat
woah. talked for like 5 hours?? on the phone on friday with sab first and then with the rest of the gang. and no, its not the first time we conferenced you forgetful woman guan. the chat was very exciting and funny! ahahah though at the last part of the conference, i was too sleepy to know what i am saying and sab almost fell asleep talking! How Dare You!
I think im wierd. Like one moment i am crazy and completely obessessed with something and then the next, i just wanna be away from it. is this fickle-ness?really hate this On/Off feeling.*flushes them away Mother's day and my birthday is coming. Woohoho. I wonder how my birthday will be like this year. I remembered last year it was a mini surprise celebration zw they all had for me and it was rather awkward cuz im not very close with alot of the people in class yet except my gang in class. and also, looking forward to the partying at town with my girls =) its 5.19pm right now and im gonna go for a jog and then have tution and then watch tv and sleep.
Friday, April 28, 2006
i love my mumy
I love my mommy. She is always so sensitive and caring although she may be really naggy. haha why do i suddenly say this? Cuz she just had a minor surgery recently. Oh poor mommy :( I think i am a very bad person because i always take her for granted. I constantly pay back her concerns with rudeness and indifference. Especially on days near exams when i am really stressed out, i tend to be really harsh in the way i speak to her. so so sorry mommy :(
but i have a chance to repay her loveli-ness this May! Mother's day! Im still thinking of what i should get for her. any suggestions?
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The tuna at coffee bean makes me wanna puke. dunno why. today is study day!! well....almost. Me and Yvonne went to coffee bean to study at 10 am. I think we concentrated well for the first hour, after that we were just eating and talking. haha *smiles in guilt.
We saw Faizal with a girl. Then after that, he came over to join us and we talked a little. That girl was his ex and she supposedly borrowed money from him to lend her current BF. like WTH? If i am him, i won't do the same but he probably had his own reasons for doing that so yeah. we left the place at around 2.30? cuz got tution ma! 99% of me dont wanna go for tution. BOO. tml we got match again! its JJC against AJC. everyone says we have high chances of winning which makes me even more nervous cuz there is absolutely no room for mistakes this time round. but whatever, i will remain 100% calm and cool this time. A couple of red bulls will do the job :) and i swear i will go talk to him when i see him tml. NOBODY tells anyone abt the faizal gf thing.
Friday, April 21, 2006
I am glad. even though we lost the match against RJC. Why? They are the runner-up for last year and our team definitely put up a good fight against them. Those people who came to Delta stadium to watch the match are really appreciated! the place is so far and yet they still came down to cheer us on. really touched! And not forgetting the messages GY and Sab sent me. So SWEET of you all=)
I think the jersey and skirt looks really nice! BUT the skirt keeps moving up and the shirt keeps dropping out. So throughout the match, it looks as if i am going COMMANDO underneath. wah lau. damn irritating!! GY.FEi.SAB: I MISS U GUYS LIKE MAD!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I miss my 3 darlings so much. =( I promise you all that after my season is over, i will be VERY available and we will have so much fun! =)
TML IS THE DAY. I can feel the anxiety already. I cant take it off my mind, Im so nervous!! ARGHHHH. i cant concentrate on anything right now. I am really really nervous, excited and scared. A mixture of emotions. Once again, i hope tat i dont fart, fall down, get hit to death or make any stupid mistake during the match. May the god be with us. :)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
rainy days
IM INCREDIBLY DUMB. yesterday, while i was talking to my mom, i swayed my hand and "piang!", my brand new toner dropped and broke into a million willion pieces. :( I had only used it for like once or twice and "puah!" its gone now! My 16 dollars disappeared just like that! PLus, i had just returned from hockey at like 12am, really tired and worn out and in need of sleep. I feel so dumb abnd stupid!!! ARGH!!
THURSDAY IS OUR FIRST HOCKEY MATCH. I can feel the tension in my body already. Im already beginning to picture the pitch, the audiences , crowds, us wearing our jersey and skirt! Im excited but at the same time, damn scared. What if i make a crucial mistake? What if we get thrashed? YELLLSSSSSSSS. I hope we will be able to beat their ass off! Woohoo! If we really beat Rjc, i will roll on the floor and i cry. i swear.
Friday, April 14, 2006
class outing
today is good friday. had "class outing" in the afternoon. haha pathetic if you ask me. only less than half of the class turned up and alot of them had to join us halfway or leav halfway. when will we ever have a proper class outing(never).
BUT it was still fun =) thanks to the lovely people who went:zw,sinda,helen,yvonne,xl,vick,cl,zul,faizal,syafiq. actually i was abit lazy to go at first cuz its like meet at 2.30pm and it was raining. but i still went nevertheless. we went to town! and guess what we did there!!!!!! nothing! why like this?? weren't we suppose to watch movie and have a nice dinner? i think we weren't able to do that cuz of procastination. we had to accomodate everyone and in the end ate at an indonesian restaurant which i didnt really like. Afterwards, some of the gals left and we went to clementi to watch movie. WAH. the cinema as lousy as anything. The arrangement of seat allocation is manual. i even kept the tickets cuz its like truly rare. and the cinema is kinda bright, can see the side of the wallls. and the one thing which i couldnt stand is the flies and the seats! the seats 90% spoil one! ARGH! half of the time i was scratching myself and not paying attention at the movie la! vjskhgluaguaduhsliuaf
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
outing with 3-1
I NEED SLEEP. I have been not getting enough GOOD sleep for the past few days. i know everyone around me is not getting enough sleep but i cant even sleep properly. My mind feels like its gonna burst anytime if i take in anymore info. Thus, i decided to stay at home today and rest=)
Yesterday met up with 3-1 of the gang. We missed you sab =( Guan was early! we met up and went to cine to eat, and then accompanied fei to Loreal to get her uniform. we waited for AGES lo. haha but its okay. then went to heerens to take NEOPRINTS! it was so fun! Its been a long time since i took neoprints with the gang man. the machine is really cool! So many ways to pose (e.g hanging up in the air) and so many ways to decorate! I simply love that machine! Next time, we 4 go take together okay.anyway here are the pics. i didnt seperately scan them cuz i dont wanna cut them. Then, we went to the fareast shop to collect the bags. The bags there all so nice and unique! We bought those bags from the kind and cute uncle. haha im pretty sure we won't know anyone with the same bags as us lor. i love my new bag =) All of us will look so sexy with our new bags. ahahaha and then we walked around for abit and finally went to visit sabbie at causeway point. i wanted to go home earlier cuz got test so i didnt stayed for dinner with fei and guan. overall, fantastic day. *smiles the most beautiful smile
Friday, April 07, 2006
kbox trip.
long time no say anything. time really flies so fast that i've lost count of them. its scary when i dont know how i spent alot of the days. *sighs.
anyway, i had a great+superb+mega fun trip with the ladies!! Finally! hehehe. We went to kbox and shaked it out on thursday! i skipped hockey training just to meet them. kinda guilty but i really wanted to meet up with them! so this is what happened. I was dismissed at 1pm and played cards with the malays and yvonne until like 3 before i headed to west mall (cuz we were supposed to meet at wm at first) but then when i got there, i recieved gy's call about the change of plans. Abit unwilling at first cuz i just reached west mall but than aiya hack, just go lo. THEN THEN THEN, i saw gy ,sab, fei at cck mrt! We hugged! it was so sweet! =) And the things that happened next were simply FUN FUN FUN and FUN! We got really high even though we just went in the room. we danced and sang out loud together! lovely! haha. after that things cooled down a bit cuz we were abit tired and we listened to sab and fei sing. their voices really nice lo! definitely better than teresa's boring voice like what gy said. they tricked me and gy into singing a song completely by ourselves. hahaha lovely. somehow, we got high again and me and sab started dancing some stupid dance moves by the side. ahahaha! so funny the dance steps!! before we went off, we ended with the song zhen ming tian zi. of course there was dancing involved. we had our sad try at trying to initimate his dance moves AND THEN i turned left and saw an uncle and his family's head turned to us! IT WAS SO EMBARRESSING!! All of us crouched down immediately! Then we rush out of the room and paid the bills. ARGH. stupid uncle. Nice day with the ladies =) haha why am i always slower one or two posts slower
Saturday, April 01, 2006
was watching america's next top model cycle 6 just now. This new season doesnt offer any pretty or outstanding ladies. the only relatively more outstanding ones are jade and the asian Gina. haha Gina was bullied by Jade throughout the show. i really like mollie sue too. she has that twiggy look. love it!jade looks mean and evil all the time. hahaha and there is this girl, forgot her name, but she looks very messy all the time and janice said that she looked lke she got out of bed! haha. i cant wait for the new season to air on channel 5.
here's what the asian GIna looks like: ![]() |