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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holidayyyyy wooo!

This holiday seems to be passing by faster than the past ones. Its already the 14th! Which means that I have been back for a good 3 weeks already! I like how there are so many new things in SG (Ion, 313 etc) for me to explore. I also had quite a few "me days" at home which I very much like as well. :D

Fei & Guan: We only met up once eh! Must meet up more often k?

Also, cant wait for the Korean class to start! ;)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

7.30am: Woke up to the sound of my lovely BF yelling "The results are out and I passed EVERYTHING!"

YAY! This totally made my day, even though it hasnt even begun yet! :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tell you something sad.

For a moment, I thought that I had everything sorted out. Yesterday, I received a call from Dixon Advisory, whom I emailed like 2 months ago, asking me to show up for an interview for a part time job at their company as Accounts Assistant. Mind you, this is not just a part time job. Its the company that had been hiring undergraduates as part timers, and then offering them full time contracts at the end of their undergraduate degree. It is also the company that will get me the PR status that I want.

Imagine my joy! The thought of it! Guan has already kindly secured me an internship spot at her company, I just got into the second round of the internship application progress for the Big 4 in Singapore and NOW, Dixon Advisory may hire me! Oh happiness!

And so the interview process was going really smoothly. And then, I got slapped right in my face when they told me that they were looking for someone who's interested in working full time right after graduation (I had told them that I might do Masters in Finance). So, in a sad attempt, I explained to them that Masters is a contingent event. I will definitely choose a job over Masters. But they said "but you just said that you are interested in finance!". How do I explain to them that life do not always work out the way you want it to be? And that sometimes, you have to compromise with the situation in order to reach your goals? The harder I tried to explain, the more contradicting I sounded. Their conclusion was that I am a smart girl who has got everything at her fingertips, who could explore the world as I wanted and that I dont seem to want to stick to one company. Nooooooooooo I wanted to say. If I really got the world at my fingertips, why am I struggling so hard to get even an internship/part time job? Calmly, I told them that working at Dixon Advisory would be an exploration for me already since I am based in Singapore originally.

I dont know if they get my plight. I sure hope they do and I will find out in Feb'10.

On a very pessimistic note, the internship application still hasnt told me the results of the second round (whats taking them so long, seriously? its just an internship and its not like they are paying us gold or anything. You should beg for us, the future super power accountants instead, suckers!) and I am supposed to let Guan know of the results by the end of Oct.

Yup, so things went from an all time high to hitting rock bottom.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Friday, Saturday, Saturday and Sunday

we keep keep keep keep on going
we know what we say
party everyday
p-p-p-party everyday

got a feeling (Wooohooo)
that tonight's gonna be a good night
that tonight's gonna be a good night

Friday, September 11, 2009

In less than 24 hours' time, Amos and I will be setting off to Sydney. Its a little private getaway that we really deserve. We never got to travel by ourselves together and so this will be our first! :D

2 Years. Isnt that something? :D

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Journals, Journals and more Journals. How many journals are we supposed to read to be able to grasp the world?

Communism, socialism, earnings management, induction theory, deduction theory, positive theory, normative theory, agency theory, this, that.

Save me from all these journals already!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Have I told you guys about this friend of mine, who got chosen out of hundreds to be a broker. The company he works in is based in Sydney and the company will shift him around the globe throughout his career (He was already sent to Amsterdam for a few months). So I wonder, how come such opportunities never happen to me? Did I sleep through this two years of Uni life, without keeping an eye on the wonderful opportunities around me?

Reality slaps you right in the face sometimes. My dream future is to have a job that lets me travel around the world, experiencing things that I never thought I will. But right now, I feel that my iron rice bowl (Accounting) is dragging me down a bit. For now, I feel that my dream is NOT within my grasp, which is sad.

Okay, so I may have a pretty decent academic results. But if results are not everything (which apparently is the case), then I have nothing to show. I could have ran for a position in the Singapore Students Association or International Students Department, but the politics will suffocate any soul to death.

Maybe I should study Masters in Finance, to "upgrade" myself. But that would take another two years off my precious youth. Someone tell me what to do please.